Interview Prep

Interview Prep with ExpatMD

As physicians, we have interviewed for many positions from medical school to residency and beyond, however, how many times have you interviewed for a position at a new hospital in a new country with a completely different medical system? 

It can be daunting to say the least. 

Positions in Australia and New Zealand are becoming more competitive. If you want to make an impression and improve your chance of landing your dream job you will need help. 

Why not book in for our interview prep? 

With years of experience in both health systems, we can prepare you for your all important interview.

We offer two interview packages as listed. If you would like to give yourself a competitive edge with your interviews in Australia or New Zealand, consider booking in one of our interview prep packages today!


Package 1: Interview preparation and practice - US$ 375

  • 30 minute Interview preparation session with relevant resources provided. We give you an overview of the health system, including the structure, referral systems and patient populations and specific to  your hospital demographic. We will give you resources and likely questions to be asked during your interview. 
  • 60 minute mock interview session with one interviewer and debrief. During the interview, we will conduct a full mock interview followed by a debrief, giving you written feedback and recommendations on how to improve and maximize your chances of landing that position.

Package 2: Interview training with panel practice (Available for OB/GYN, Internal Medicine, Anesthesia, Pediatrics, Family Practice/GP. For other specialities please contact us) - US$ 625

  • 60 minute interview preparation with relevant Interview resources provided
  • 60 minute mock panel interview with 2 or 3 ‘panellist’ interviewers (dependent on availability for 3rd panellist) and debrief 
  • 30 min post interview debrief and follow up

This package is ideal for those planning on improving their chances for their speciality college interviews. You have the experience of being an attending however, how much do you know about your speciality college guidelines in Australasia? Knowing the nuances of your speciality in Australasia and knowing the care models is critical during your interview. If you want to have an extra edge, consider booking in our interview training with panel practice. You will be matched with doctors from your speciality that can help you prepare for your College interview.